Tham khảo Barkley-Grow T8P-1

Ghi chú
  1. Wegg 1990, p. 172.
Tài liệu
  • Gerritmas, Joop and Hazewinkel Harm. "The Barkley-Grow T8P-1." AAHS Journal 50 (4), 2005.
  • Taylor, J.H. Jane's Encyclopedia of Aviation. London: Studio Editions, 1989, p. 121. ISBN 0-517-10316-8.
  • Wegg, John. General Dynamics Aircraft and their Predecessors. London: Putnam, 1990. ISBN 0-85177-833-X.
  • World Aircraft Information Files (File 890 Sheet 02). London: Bright Star Publishing.